Simbu has started the shooting for his upcoming new film Vaanam from yesterday (July 10). Vaanam is the remake of the critically acclaimed Telugu film Vedam. Simbu will be playing the popular ‘Cable Raja’ character, which was done by Allu Arjun in the original which also had Anushka, Manoj Manchu, Lekha Washington and Manoj Bajpai in the lead. From Telugu only Anushka and Manoj Manchu will be there in the Tamil version which will be directed Krish who did the original. Vedam, said to be a path-breaking film in Telugu, had Allu Arjun, Manoj Manchu (actor Mohan Babu’s son), Bollywood actor Manoj Bajpai, Anushka and Lekha Washington in the lead. The film follows the pattern set by Mexican director Alejandro Gonsalez Inarritu’s classic Amores Perros (2000) in style, a multiple storytelling format where all the stories converge in the climax. Vaanam songs will be scored by Yuvan Shankar Raja while camera is by Nirav Shah and editing by Anthony. Vaanam is being produced by VTV productions and Magic Box.
However, the grapevine has it that Simbu is doing the film only because he is smitten by Anushka. Vaanam gives him an opportunity to work with the elusive actress. Simbu smiles, "I have always said that I'm a big fan of Anushka and would love to work with her. I took up the film as the script is good. The A team of technicians from Kollywood — Yuvan Shankar Raja, Antony and Nirav Shah — are working on this project. Also, one of the producers is my friend Ganesh of VTV fame."
The star has given continuous dates to director Krish till the end of the month to complete his part in the film. And the big news is that there will be a mass kuthu song (not there in the original version) picturised on Simbu and Anushka. The movie will be a 'quickie' and release of Diwali. Post Vaanam, the hero will leave for the shoot of Poda Podi and start work on Lingusamy's film in September.
To download vaanam movie songs:
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